Eternity - Where ???

Posted on Sat, Oct 18, 2008:

You're invited to attend gospel meetings that can help you answer this important question!

Each of us will make a choice of our destination for eternity.
The Bible tells us that there are only two destinations - Heaven or Hell, and you will spend eternity in one or the other.
Every person without the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour is on their way to a lost eternity in Hell and the Lake of Fire.
God loves you - He wants you to be saved and to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
Our weekly gospel meeting is held to explain how you can be SAVED and be SURE of a home in Heaven!
We invite you to attend the next gospel meeting. There are NO charges or collections of any kind!

WHERE:   Rexdale Gospel Hall
WHEN:   Sundays - 11:10am to 12pm


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